Boss Rush Banter: Which Actor Deserves A Best Actor Emmy Nomination?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the process, the official time frame you can submit something for an Emmy award is June-May. That being said, we have just exited one year and entered another.

In that sense, June 1 is television’s new year.

While we will not get the official nomination list until mid-July, speculation is ripe amongst fans of television as to who deserves the coveted nominations.

Usually, the conversation stays amongst the streaming shows. Network television hasn’t won a major Emmy in a decade. But for the first time in years, one performance is deserving of the honor.

Credit: IMDb

I first met James Roday Rodriguez as Shawn Spencer on USA Network’s Psych. He’s a vastly under recognized comedic actor with impromptu skills that are astounding.

When he joined the cast of A Million Little Things, I was surprised because it was outside of his usual genres which are comedy and horror. Rodriguez was the injection of humor that was needed but it was this last season where he blew me away.

His performance is what made the final season of A Million Little Things one of the best final seasons I’ve seen in a long time. His character had cancer and Rodriquez carried us through that journey but still kept his character’s sense of humor.

It was such an amazing impactful performance that I think he is deserving of a nomination for Best Actor in a Drama Series.

What do you think? Who deserves nominations? Did you know we have an entire TV discussion chat in our Boss Rush Discord!

Featured Image Source: IMDb

The Boss Rush Podcast is the flagship podcast of Boss Rush Media and the Boss Rush Network. Each week, Corey, Stephanie, LeRon, and their friends from around the internet come together with other creators, developers, and industry veterans to talk about games they’ve been playing, discuss video game and entertainment based topics, and answer questions solicited on social media and the community Discord. 

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