Tweet from Devolver Digital Hints at Possible Captain N Revival

Late in the evening on Sunday, video game publisher Devolver Digital tweeted out a vague still picture from 1980’s cartoon Captain N: The Game Master. The character in the image was that of the Eggplant Wizard, an antagonist of Nintendo’s Kid Icarus franchise.

Captain N: The Game Master was a Saturday morning cartoon that aired on NBC from 1989-1991, and was produced by DIC Animation City. The concept was based off of a character that first appeared in Nintendo Power magazine, and featured the titular character teaming up with popular video game characters such as Simon Belmont from Castlevania, Link from The Legend of Zelda, and Mega Man. Villains in the show were also from popular video games, the Eggplant Wizard being one of them.

It is unknown if the tweet in question has any real meaning, as no context was given. There is speculation that it could be hinting at a video game revival of the Captain N brand. The fact that the publisher used a character from Kid Icarus could also be indication that they are partnering with Nintendo in developing a new game in that franchise as well.

Devolver Digital is a gaming publisher founded in 2009 and based in the U.S. They have typically focused on publishing indie titles, such as Hotline Miami, The Talos Principle, Enter the Gungeon, Absolver, and Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout.

What do you think? Was Devolver Digital’s Tweet harmless fun, or is it a sign of exciting things to come? We want to hear your opinion!

Source for Header Image: SVG

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